Fan Fiction

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on Portraits of Collinwood.

The Chris Pennock Fashion Collection 
By wwolffus

Chris Pennock Fashion Collection

LEVIATHANS: Get a red sweater. Wear it ALL the time. Any other outfits, make sure they are groovy and happenin', and make sure the clothes are durable, so you can slither around on the floor without getting holes in them. Leather wrist bands and groovy button jeans help. And, don't clash with groovy Carolyn's outfits.

PT: Here, you get to change your clothing based on your "moods." Wear something non-descript and serious when you're in the lab. And don't worry too much, you've got that handy white smock to wear over your clothes in case you spill some fizzy stuff. But when you're ready to go OUT ABOUT TOWN, black, black and more black. Hair, "moustache" and clothes. Get a groovy cane to walk around with, just be careful what's inside the cane doesn't come out. Make sure your clothes are durable for those nasty bar room fights, and also, they need to be quickly changeable, for that rush- back-into-work-before-the-boss-comes-back look. Again, the white lab coat helps.

1970: If you were embarrassed to wear those Leviathan clothes last year, go ALL THE WAY this year. Groovy doesn't begin to explain the medallions (borrowed from Bruno), the funky 'fro, and the flowing pajamas you'll need to be the ULTIMATE 1970s man about town. Get some groovy shades, and you'll be set to WOW the chicks. Mrs. Stoddard seems impressed already. It's ALL ABOUT IMAGE, MAN!!!


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