Fan Fiction

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on Portraits of Collinwood.

Evan Hanley Make-Up Line 
By Scarlett

Introducing the new make-up & styling line by:
The Hanley Corporation

Evan's Facial Scrub

Loose skin? Then we have the stuff for you! The new Evan Facial Scrub will wash all your loose skin away! Zap! All gone! You will never have to worry about those embarrassing moments in public again!

Only $58.95 an ounce!

The Hanley Hand Cream

Is your hand looking a little dry lately? Are you embarrassed because other people can see the veins on the top of your hand? Does your hand look 248 years old? Well then buy this cream now & smooth all your cares away!!!

The Evan Hanley Facial Mask

Is your face crumply? Do people not recognize you anymore??? Well, we are very sorry about that :( But we may be able to help with the bran new Evan product! This facial mask will stretch your skin to it's natural firmness once again! Yes, with this facial mask you can even look like there never was a curse placed upon you!

Hanley Mascara

Is your eye popping out? Is it a little to noticeable? Well then take some attention off those white eyes with some mascara so that they can look more balanced! Yes, even men can wear this fantastic product!

Hanley Whitening Toothpaste

Are your teeth showing through your lips? Well, that is can be very embarrassing....even more so when they are Yellow! This is guaranteed to whiten your pearly seconds!

The Hanley Toupee's for men

Bald Spots? Missing hair? Well, we have a solution (of coarse!). This toupee will look natural & real, no one will ever guess that it is totally fake! We even sell them with those stylish white streaks! By glue on sideburns to go with it & get a special discount price!

Also available: Goatees, Bears, Mustaches & more!

*Note: Glue may be harmful to skin. Use -only- if you really want to.

Facial Lotion

Cracked skin? This product will help you out then, not only will it replenish your dried & cracked clears up acne as well! Yes, this will defiantly help you out!

*Warning: Daily use of this product may cause serious skin problems later in life.

Look at a store near you for more of these great new products!

***We are not responsible for any harm that you may come to using our products, or as Mr. Evan Hanley once put it, "I want nothing more to do with you." Thanks! ***


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